The Patriarch – Tahir Bulent Tunakan
Born in Turkey came to the US for schooling. He was always working to help other people and help his family explore the world. We explore by camping, skiing, and always being involved in each others lives.
The Matriarch – Mary Lousie O’Brien
Born and raised in Omaha, NE. Went to California for college and lived in Chicago for a short time, otherwise lived her entire life in Omaha. Loved to entertain and learned to ski and accepted camping because it was all about family and friends. Definitely taught us to surround yourself with family and friends whenever possible.
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The Tunakans
Started when my father stalked my mother, as a sign of true love. We grew up with a very close family (both immediate and relatives). Some memories include having to (actually getting to) go to Grandmother’s every Sunday afternoon to spend time with “The Cousins”. Camping all over the US and Canada (being joined by some cousins on several occasions). Learning how to ski at Crescent, Iowa and culminating as a ski bum with my brother in Aspen, CO for one winter. Getting together often for Christmas and other occassions that always became special occasions when family was involved.
My sisters and brother, with love & care from all of our family, it has been proven on so many occasions that it is all about family. That family does not have to be a blood relative but for me they have been the best.
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You can get everything in life you want, if you just help enough other people get what they want.